Saturday 25th April turned out to be a day with lots of different aspects of Beeutiful being actioned so I thought I’d tell you all a little more about it! The day started with a trip to a wine bar, yes really a wine bar at 8.30am! Drew the manager at Cellar Magneval in Fleet is working very hard to utilise the premises at times other than your usual social lunch and evening. He has started hosting a ladies breakfast on the last Saturday of every month, inviting speakers to share stories, information and advice on everything from setting up your own business, to marketing, to beauty and now bees! Two hours were spent discussing bees, how they operate as a social organism, their life cycle and their plight. We also chatted about swarming, honey production, beeswax, bee venom, Royal Jelly, propolis and Beeutiful products. My audience said they learnt a lot in that few hours and would be returning home with lots of bee facts for their families!

Carly x