Swarming behaviour
The sky is blue, the sun is shining and t-shirt sleeves are now the norm. Hooray spring/summer has arrived at last. My colonies have survived the winter and the first few weeks of spring, an anxious time where I wait
What’s going on in the apiary?
So last weekend was the first of the year, really nice, t-shirt sleeves type weather that means you can actually open up a hive and have a real look. Colony 2, my smallest colony which was a late August 2013
Why are bees in the media and what can we do to help them?
Bees Some people love them some people hate them, others are totally indifferent to them and most people do not know very much about them at all. I have been in the latter category for most of my 36 years,
Article for Fleet Chatter March 2014
Bees & your skin – a positive relationship Can bees really have a positive effect on our skin, don’t they just sting? Yes bees do sting but only if provoked, they are far more interested in the plants and flowers